International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 9 Issue 3
Table of contents
Quality in the Asia‐Pacific Region
W.L. HurdDescribes the origin and growth of the Asia Pacific Quality Control Organization (APQCO) from its inception in 1981, its formal initiation in 1985 and its development to the…
Quality Control in the Education Service ‐ A Singapore Experience
Yong Yeow Chin, Tang Teck ChyeExcellence in education through the provision of a high standard of education services is the philosophy of educational institutions in Singapore. Quality control in the education…
Realizing Statistical Competence among Technical Personnel
T.N. GohIndustry spends considerable financial and manpower resources in training operations staff in statistical techniques for quality improvement, but training alone does not…
Zero Acceptance Number Plans and Zero Defects
Gordon E. SmithZero acceptance number plans (c = 0 plans) are sometimes described as the only appropriate method of acceptance sampling in an environment in which zero defects is a meaningful…
Creating New Organizational Paradigms for Change
Oscar G. MinkOrganizational change seldom occurs as swiftly or as dramatically as one might imagine, the contrasts between old and new organizational paradigms are often just as striking as…
The Impact of Quality Management on Productivity
Thomas J. FisherManagement approaches based on improvements in all aspects of quality are being vigorously promoted by private consultants and government agencies as the route to improved…
Health Care and the Demand for Quality
David S.G. SloanDeveloped countries are demanding more quality assurance activities from their health care sectors. Briefly reviews the history of quality assurance in the health care sector and…

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International Journal of Quality ScienceEditor:
- Professor Jiju Antony