International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 38 Issue 9

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Table of contents

Productivity and process performance in a manual trimming cell exploiting Lean Six Sigma (LSS) DMAIC – a case study in laminated panel production

Daniel Lee Hardy, Saikat Kundu, Muhammad Latif

The purpose of this case study is to investigate inefficiency and downtime factors within a panel lamination process cell at a timber component manufacturing company. Areas of…


Business processes fragments to promote information quality

Charlie Silva Lopes, Denis Silva da Silveira, João Araujo

The primary concern of quality improvement in processes is not the input–output conversion but the information that enables and controls process. This paper presents process…


Simulation approach for assessing the performance of the γEWMA control chart

Carmen Patino-Rodriguez, Diana M. Pérez, Olga Usuga Manco

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of a modified EWMA control chart (γEWMA control chart), which considers data distribution and incorporate its correlation…


Modeling the enablers of project-based learning: an ISM-Fuzzy MICMAC approach

Goutam Kumar Kundu

The objective of the paper is to identify and model the relevant enablers related to the issue of adoption and implementation of project-based learning (PjBL) in higher…


Soft computing for availability optimization of a crushing system of sugar plant using PSO

Anil Kr. Aggarwal, Amit Kumar

In this paper, the objective is to perform mathematical modeling to optimize the steady-state availability of a multi-state repairable crushing system of a sugar plant using the…


Development and validation of DMAIC based framework for process improvement: a case study of Indian manufacturing organization

Pramod Kumar, Dharmendra Singh, Jaiprakash Bhamu

The purpose of this paper is to develop and validate an extended Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) based framework through a case study of an Indian fasteners…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony