International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 38 Issue 6
Table of contents
Hotelling T2 chart using the generalized multiple dependent state sampling scheme
Sandra García-Bustos, Joseph León, María Nela PastuizacaThis research proposes a multivariate control chart, whose parameters are optimized using genetic algorithms (GA) in order to accelerate the detection of a change in the vector of…
Building a measurement system of higher education performance: evidence from a Latin-American country
Paula M. Hernandez-Diaz, Jorge-Andrés Polanco, Manuela Escobar-SierraThe purpose of this paper aims to propose and validate a measurement scale for integrating performance in universities with a global and local Latin-American perspective.
An integrated AHP and ISO14000, ISO26000 based approach for improving sustainability in supply chains
Faisal Talib, Saheim K Josaiman, Mohd. Nishat FaisalTypically, adoption of sustainability in organizations are often done in an unstructured way without the consideration of other partners in the supply chain. The purpose of this…
Benchmarking aircraft maintenance performances using data envelopment analysis
Thomas O'Neal, Hokey Min, Daniel Cherobini, Seong-Jong JooThe authors employed the three different versions (Charnes–Cooper–Rhodes, Banker–Charnes–Cooper and slack-based measure of efficiency) of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to…
Fuzzy fault tree analysis for controlling robot-related accidents involving humans in industrial plants: a case study
KomalIn recent years, the application of robots in different industrial sectors such as nuclear power generation, construction, automobile, firefighting and medicine, etc. is…
Extending cumulative capability models: the role of innovation in the accumulation of competitive performance
Mantas Vilkas, Inga Stankevice, Rimantas RauleckasCumulative capability models are dominating frameworks explaining how manufacturing organizations gain their performance capabilities, such as quality, delivery, flexibility and…
The impact of organizational culture archetypes on quality performance and total quality management: the role of employee engagement and individual values
Omar Mohammed Ali AbabnehThe relationship between organizational culture and total quality management (TQM) can be facilitated by the virtue of certain psychological states. Employee engagement refers to…
Fault diagnosis of blowout preventer system using artificial neural networks: a comparative study
Samia Chebira, Noureddine Bourmada, Abdelali Boughaba, Mebarek DjebabraThe increasing complexity of industrial systems is at the heart of the development of many fault diagnosis methods. The artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are part of these…
Developing a practical methodology to improve the health-care services: studying a neonatal intensive care unit case in Oman
Nasr Al-Hinai, Ahm ShamsuzzohaThis study aims to develop a practical methodology to identify possible areas of improvements as well as exploring how to improve the health-care staff flow within a selected…

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International Journal of Quality ScienceEditor:
- Professor Jiju Antony