International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 36 Issue 7

Table of contents

Contribution of the three-dimensional model to the reliability allocation of multiphase systems

Saadia Saadi, Mébarek Djebabra, Ounsa Roudies, Wafa Boulagouas

The purpose of this paper is to deal with the allocation requirements of the dependability of the multiphase systems.


Supply chain management and organizational performance: the resonant influence

Binh An Thi Duong, Huy Quang Truong, Maria Sameiro, Paulo Sampaio, Ana Cristina Fernandes, Estela Vilhena, Loan Thi Cam Bui, Hiroshi Yadohisa

A single supply chain management (SCM) practice will have a certain impact on organizational performance (OP). However, since it is placed in a system that many other practices…


Experimental design and analysis of matching design

Angus Jeang, Chang Pu Ko, Chien-Ping Chung, Francois Liang, Guan-Ying Chen

This study considers the five factors of a car rotation system: angle (F1), arm length (F2), toe in and out (F3), width (F4) and length (F5). The purpose of this paper is to fine…


Managing risk for auto warranties

Ahmed M. Aljazea, Shaomin Wu

The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, to analyse the existing work of warranty risk management (WaRM); second, to develop a generic WaRM framework; and third, to design a…


Joint optimisation of operation and maintenance policies in an urban ropeway transport systems context

R.M. Martinod, Olivier Bistorin, Leonel Castañeda, Nidhal Rezg

The purpose of this paper is to propose a stochastic optimisation model for integrating service and maintenance policies in order to solve the queuing problem and the cost of…


Understanding TQM implementation barriers involving construction companies in a difficult environment

Richard Stuart Dilawo, Zahra Salimi

The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that affect TQM implementation in construction companies and it suggests solutions for TQM implementation in a difficult…


Modeling Deming’s quality principles to improve performance using interpretive structural modeling and MICMAC analysis

Nishant Mukesh Agrawal

The purpose of this paper is to study the 14 principles of Edwards Deming and create significant relationships between them. No research has been reported on the implementation of…


Acceptance sampling plans based on truncated life tests for Rama distribution

Amer Al-Omari, Amjad Al-Nasser, Enrico Ciavolino

Lifetime data are used in many different applied sciences, like biomedicine, engineering, insurance and finance and others. The purpose of this paper is to develop a new…


Quality management challenges in a dynamic reality of mergers, acquisitions and global expansion

Aviva Bashan, Deganit Armon

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the challenges facing the quality management system (QMS) of parent and subsidiary companies within the dynamics of multinational…


Performance modeling and optimization for complex repairable system of paint manufacturing unit using a hybrid BFO-PSO algorithm

Amit Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Vikas Modgil

The purpose of this paper is to optimize the performance for complex repairable system of paint manufacturing unit using a new hybrid bacterial foraging and particle swarm…


An integrated Bayesian–Markovian framework for ascertaining cost of executing quality improvement programs in manufacturing industry

Mohit Goswami, Gopal Kumar, Abhijeet Ghadge

Typically, the budgetary requirements for executing a supplier’s process quality improvement program are often done in unstructured ways in that quality improvement managers…


Just in time elements extraction and prioritization for health care unit using decision making approach

Mahender Singh Kaswan, Rajeev Rathi, Mahipal Singh

The purpose of this paper is to identify and prioritize prime just-in-time (JIT) elements in Indian healthcare sector based on the degree of importance and difficulty. This…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony