International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 35 Issue 9

Table of contents

Achieving better revenue and customers’ satisfaction with after-sales services: How do the best branded car dealerships get it?

Miriam Borchardt, Marcelo Souza, Giancarlo M. Pereira, Claudia V. Viegas

Branded car dealerships with best revenue by serviced car also have the best after-sales customers’ satisfaction level. The purpose of this paper is to present the analysis of the…


Assessing risk through composite FMEA with pairwise matrix and Markov chains

Alessandro Brun, Matteo Mario Savino

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is an analysis technique for identifying and eliminating known and/or potential failures and problems from products, processes or systems…


Firms’ entrepreneurial orientation and the adoption of quality management practices: Empirical evidence from a Latin American context

Alejandro Bello-Pintado, Ricardo Kaufmann, Javier Merino Diaz de Cerio

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between firms’ entrepreneurial orientations (EOs) and the adoption of quality management (QM) practices. The role of…


Inspection tables for single acceptance sampling with crisp and fuzzy formulation of quality limits

Nataliya Chukhrova, Arne Johannssen

The purpose of this paper is to construct innovative exact and approximative sampling plans for acceptance sampling in statistical quality control. These sampling plans are…


Transportation extended wastes and road haulage efficiency

Loay Salhieh, Ismail Abushaikha, Muhannad Atmeh, Metri Mdanat

Although recent research acknowledges the importance of reducing the inefficient activities from road transportation, there is still a missing link in literature of how…


Constrained optimal design of X̅ control chart with multiple assignable causes under Burr XII failure mechanism

Aitin Saadatmeli, Mohamad Bameni Moghadam, Asghar Seif, Alireza Faraz

The purpose of this paper is to develop a cost model by the variable sampling interval and optimization of the average cost per unit of time. The paper considers an…


Service productivity vs service quality: a zero-sum game?

Dongjun Rew, Joo Jung, Wonsuk Cha

The purpose of this paper is to verify the relationship between productivity and quality in the services sector. More specifically, this study investigates the relationship…


Total productive maintenance, kaizen event, and performance

Nurul Fadly Habidin, Suzaituladwini Hashim, Nursyazwani Mohd Fuzi, Mad Ithnin Salleh

The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship between total productive maintenance (TPM), kaizen event (KE) and innovation performance (IP) for Malaysian automotive…


A DMAIC Six Sigma approach to quality improvement in the anodising stage of the amplifier production process

Pallavi Sharma, Suresh Chander Malik, Anshu Gupta, P.C. Jha

The purpose of this paper is to study the anodising process of a portable amplifier production process to identify and eliminate the sources of variations, in order to improve the…


Impact of TQM/Six Sigma practices on company’s performance: Tunisian context

Kaouthar Lamine, Lassaad Lakhal

The purpose of this paper is to explore the link between TQM/Six Sigma practices and their impact on performance.


Improving check-in (C/I) process: an application of the quality function deployment

Mune Moğol Sever

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a suitable tool for understanding the expectations of hotel guests from services provided to them and designing the new one. It is also a…


The application of quality tools in effective implementation of HACCP: An empirical study of food and pharmaceutical industries

Manjeet Kharub, Shah Limon, Rajiv Kumar Sharma

The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the quality tool’s impact on the effectiveness of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)-based food safety…


The relationships between shop floor management and QCCs to support Kaizen

Jie Ma, Feng Jiao, Chi Keung Lau, Zhibin Lin

The purpose of this paper is to develop and redefine the “classic” roles of shop floor management and quality control circles (QCCs) in Kaizen. In specific, it aims to examine the…


Validation of product quality through graphical interpretation of the Kano model: An explorative study

Peter Madzík, Vera Pelantová

Product verification and validation are integral to quality management. Product verification means verifying the conformity between a product’s actual and planned characteristics…


Lean Six-Sigma: the means to healing an ailing NHS?

John Bancroft, Krish Saha, Di Li, Gabor Lukacs, Xavier Pierron

The purpose of this paper is to examine England’s Accident and Emergency (A&E) arm of the National Health Service (NHS). It considers the positive impact that Lean has had and…


Modified chain sampling plan for assuring percentile life under Weibull distribution and generalized exponential distribution

Jeyadurga P., Usha Mahalingam, Saminathan Balamurali

The purpose of this paper is to design a modified chain sampling plan for assuring the product percentile life where the lifetime follows Weibull or generalized exponential…


A multi-year SEM model predicting the impact of behavior attributes on overall patient satisfaction

Quinton Nottingham, Dana M. Johnson, Roberta Russell

Pressure from competition; inflexible third-party reimbursements; greater demand from government, regulatory and certifying agencies; discerning patients; and the quest of…


Unraveling determinants of quality in blended learning: are there gender-based differences?

Vandana Savara, Sanjai Parahoo

The purpose of this paper is to model the factors influencing the quality of learning experiences (LE) of students in blended learning (BL) environments in higher education (HE…


Reliability/risk centered cost effective preventive maintenance planning of generating units

Umamaheswari E., Ganesan S., Abirami M., Subramanian S.

Finding the optimal maintenance schedules is the primitive aim of preventive maintenance scheduling (PMS) problem dealing with the objectives of reliability, risk and cost. Most…


Multi-state failure phenomenon and analysis using semi-Markov model

Mahesh Narayan Dhawalikar, V. Mariappan, P.K. Srividhya, Vishal Kurtikar

Degraded failures and sudden critical failures are quite prevalent in industries. Degradation processes commonly belong to Weibull family and critical failures are found to follow…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony