International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 34 Issue 9

Table of contents

Lean Six Sigma for public sector organizations: is it a myth or reality?

Jiju Antony, Bryan Rodgers, Elizabeth A. Cudney

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) as a process excellence has been widely adopted in both manufacturing and service organizations; however, its application in the public sector has not been…


Analyzing the causes of delay in development projects by fuzzy analysis

Vahed Ghiasi, Ebrahim Kaivan, Nima Arzjani, Danial Arzjani

The purpose of this paper is to identify and prioritize the causes of delay in development projects and present strategies to reduce the delay.


Quality in bank service encounters: Assessing the equivalence of customers’ and front-line employees’ perceptions

Chrysi Alexiadou, Nikolaos Stylos, Andreas Andronikidis, Victoria Bellou, Chris A. Vassiliadis

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the need to evaluate perception-based quality in service encounters. It sets out to diagnose potential mismatches in how customers and…


Modelling critical risk factors for Indian construction project using interpretive ranking process (IRP) and system dynamics (SD)

Tanmay Nitin Mhatre, J.J. Thakkar, J. Maiti

The purpose of this paper is to employ an integrated approach of interpretive ranking process (IRP) and system dynamics (SD) for modelling the key risk factors for a typical…


The relationship between innovation and total quality management and the innovation effects on organizational performance

Marina Godinho Antunes, Joaquín Texeira Quirós, Maria do Rosário Fernandes Justino

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between innovation and total quality management (TQM), and also to identify the effects of innovation on organizational…


Fuzzy inference system application for failure analyzing in automobile industry

Arash Geramian, Mohammad Reza Mehregan, Nima Garousi Mokhtarzadeh, Mohammadreza Hemmati

Nowadays, quality is one of the most important key success factors in the automobile industry. Improving the quality is based on optimizing the most important quality…


Assessing customer satisfaction and loyalty in the retail sector

Ana Rita Biscaia, Maria J. Rosa, Patrícia Moura e Sá, Cláudia S. Sarrico

The effects of customer satisfaction on loyalty have been widely discussed by the academic community. Although the results of the studies reported in the literature are often…


An empirical investigation of critical success factors influencing the successful TQM implementation for firms with different strategic orientation

Vimal Kumar, R.R.K. Sharma

It has been found that critical success factors (CSFs) are responsible for successful implementation of total quality management (TQM) system. The purpose of this paper is to make…


Schedule and cost overrun analysis for R&D projects using ANP and system dynamics

Sandeep Kumar, J.J. Thakkar

Schedule and cost overrun analysis for a typical research & development (R&D) project is necessary to identify and mitigate the non-feasible alternatives at the design stage…


Interpretive structural modeling for integrating quality management in manufacturing and service counterparts

Gaurav Goyal, Harsh Vardhan Samalia, Piyush Verma

The purpose of this paper is to identify and rank the contextual relationship among the quality management (QM) constructs for manufacturing and its related service organizations…


Structural equation modeling for validating impact of 5S implementation on business excellence of manufacturing organizations

Jugraj Singh Randhawa, Inderpreet Singh Ahuja

The purpose of this paper is to deploy structural equation modeling (SEM) technique to empirically validate the interrelationships amongst significant variables of 5S…


Reliability analysis of CNC turning center based on the assessment of trends in maintenance data: A case study

Rajkumar Bhimgonda Patil, Basavraj S. Kothavale, Laxman Yadu Waghmode, Shridhar G. Joshi

The paper presents reliability, maintainability and life cycle cost (LCC) analysis of a computerized numerical control (CNC) turning center which is manufactured and used in…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony