International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 32 Issue 2

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Table of contents

Critical success factors examined in ISO 9001:2008-certified Greek companies using multidimensional statistics

Vasileios Ismyrlis, Odysseas Moschidis, George Tsiotras

The purpose of this paper is to examine the level of the importance and implementation of the critical success factors (CSFs) required for the appropriate function of a quality…


A new method for process control based on goodness of fit tests

Mohammad Saleh Owlia, Mohammad Saber Fallah Nezhad, Mohesn Sheikh Sajadieh

– The purpose of this paper is to propose a new method based on goodness of fit tests for shift detection problems.


Effect of ISO 9001 non-conformity process on cost of poor quality in capital-intensive sectors

Andrea Chiarini

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are differences in terms of the effect of the ISO 9001 non-conformity process on the cost of poor quality in different…


Modeling failure rate of a robotic welding station using generalized q-distributions

Edilson M. Assis, Ernesto P. Borges, Silvio A.B. Vieira de Melo, Leizer Schnitman

The purpose of this paper is to compare four life data models, namely the exponential and the Weibull models, and their corresponding generalized versions, q-exponential and q


Performance modeling of the skim milk powder production system of a dairy plant using RAMD analysis

Anil Aggarwal, Sanjeev Kumar, Vikram Singh

The purpose of this paper is to propose a method to compute RAMD indices to measure and improve the performance of skim milk powder production system of a dairy plant under real…


The determinants for sustainability of an employee suggestion system

Flevy Lasrado, Mohammed Arif, Aftab Rizvi

Although the corporations widely use the suggestion schemes to elicit the creative ideas of their employee, sustaining a suggestion scheme is still a challenge. Employee…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony