International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 30 Issue 9

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Table of contents

Experiences of TQM elements on organisational performance and future opportunities for a developing country

Fuzi Meftah Abusa, Peter Gibson

The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent of total quality management (TQM) implementation in Libyan manufacturing companies (LMCs), and its impact on organisational…


Design of cumulative count of conforming charts for high yield processes based on average number of items inspected

Jung-Tai Chen

This paper aims to propose a new approach to setting the control limits to promote the control performance of the cumulative count of conforming chart (CCC-r chart), in terms of…


A comparative analysis between certified and non-certified companies through the quality management system

Joaquín Texeira Quirós, Maria do Rosário Fernandes Justino

The purpose of this study is to analyze a questionnaire answered by a sample of ISO 9000 certified companies and a control sample of companies which have not been certified, using…


Concise process improvement definition with case studies

Steven Cox, John Garside, Apostolos Kotsialos, Valentin Vitanov

– The purpose of this paper is to examine the efficiency and objectivity of current Six Sigma practices when at the measure/analyse phase of the DMAIC quality improvement cycle.


An integer linear programming approach to maintenance strategies selection

Marcello Braglia, Davide Castellano, Marco Frosolini

The purpose of this paper is to present a reliability centered maintenance (RCM) embedded integer linear programming approach (suited to the budget monetary resources allocation…


Performance analysis of repairable system using GA and fuzzy Lambda-Tau methodology

Ajay Kumar, S.P. Sharma, Dinesh Kumar

– The purpose of this paper is to develop a new approach for computing various performance measures such as reliability, availability, MTBF, ENOF, etc. for any industrial system.

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  • Professor Jiju Antony