International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 29 Issue 2

Table of contents

Healthcare quality under the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana: Perspectives from premium holders

Roger Ayimbillah Atinga

The purpose of this study is to examine how premium holders of Ghana's Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) perceive the state of quality healthcare delivery in public hospitals in the…


Evaluation of process capability indices of linear profiles

Seyedeh Zahra Hosseinifard, Babak Abbasi

In profile monitoring, which is a growing research area in the field of statistical process control, the relationship between response and explanatory variables is monitored over…


A self‐assessment scheme for an R&D organization based on ISO 9004:2000

Young‐Ha Hwang, Dong‐Young Kim, Myong‐Kee Jeong

The purpose of this paper is to discuss a self‐assessment scheme and processes that are developed for and applied to a R&D organization based on ISO 9004:2000. The presented…


Impact of HRM policies on quality assurance under requirement volatility

Rahul Thakurta, P. Suresh

Requirements of a project are found to change in various ways during the course of the same. Studies have investigated the effect of requirement volatility on different project…


Behavior analysis of synthesis unit in fertilizer plant

Harish Garg, S.P. Sharma

The purpose of this paper is to present a technique for analyzing the behavior of an industrial system utilizing vague, imprecise, and uncertain data. The synthesis unit of a urea…


Financial performance of Baldrige Award winners: a review and synthesis

Rudolph A. Jacob, Christian N. Madu, Charles Tang

The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform recently released a preliminary report with recommendations on cutting costs in the federal government, and one of its…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony