International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 28 Issue 5

Table of contents

A critical evaluation of the EFQM model

Joaquín Gómez Gómez, Micaela Martínez Costa, Ángel R. Martínez Lorente

As with the ISO 9000 standard, some doubts arise from the scientific literature about the impact of the EFQM model in companies' success. This paper aims to present an analysis of…


A search method for process optimization with designed experiments and some observations

Pritibhushan Sinha

The purpose of this paper is to attempt to get more in‐depth understanding of real life processes, for which theoretical models are not available and knowledge about the processes…


Reconstructing Six Sigma barriers in manufacturing and service organizations: The effects of organizational parameters

Mohamed Gamal Aboelmaged

The purpose of this paper is to empirically validate how the effectiveness of the most influential barriers to Six Sigma implementation may vary in relation to dimensions of…


Bank Service Quality (BSQ) Index: An indicator of service performance

Firdaus Abdullah, Rosita Suhaimi, Gluma Saban, Jamil Hamali

This study aims to design and validate a new measuring instrument of service quality, and ultimately to establish a national service quality index for the banking sector. The…


Reliability modeling and prediction using classical and Bayesian approach: A case study

Satadal Ghosh, Sujit K. Majumdar

The purpose of this paper is to provide the maintenance personnel with a methodology for modeling and estimating the reliability of critical machine systems using the historical…


Using reliability tools in service operations

Rhonda L. Hensley, Joanne S. Utley

This paper aims to propose a service reliability framework for classifying technical reliability tools so that managers can better understand how to use them in practice.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Jiju Antony