International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 28 Issue 3

Table of contents

Six Sigma: insights from organizational innovativeness and market orientation

Teck‐Yong Eng

Despite the implicit link of Six Sigma's focus on continuous innovation and customer satisfaction to concepts of organizational innovativeness and market orientation, there are…


Customization of quality practices: the impact of quality culture

Sarah Jinhui Wu, Dongli Zhang, Roger G. Schroeder

This study aims to investigate how firms should customize quality practices to obtain or maintain quality advantage with the development of quality culture. The paper seeks to…


A new approach to monitor the process dispersion

D.R. Prajapati

The concept of the proposed R chart is based on the sum of chi squares (χ2). The average run lengths (ARLs) of the proposed R chart are computed and compared with the ARLs of a…


Constrained economic design of S control charts for random process shifts

Philippe Castagliola, Giovanni Celano, Antonio Costa, Sergio Fichera

The use of control charts to monitor a product quality characteristic requires the selection of their design parameters. To select feasible design parameters, the constraints…


Analyzing and forecasting the reliability for repairable systems using the time series decomposition method

Yi‐Hui Liang

The purpose of this study is to propose the time series decomposition approach to analyze and predict the failure data of the repairable systems.


A replication to validate and improve a measurement instrument for Deming's 14 Points

Caroline M. Fisher, Cassandra C. Elrod, Rajiv Mehta

The success of implementing Deming's management method depends on the ability of managers to operationally define and measure Deming's 14 Points. Tamimi et al. developed a set of…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony