International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 26 Issue 6
Table of contents
Customer‐orientated Six Sigma in call centre performance measurement
Rodney McAdam, John Davies, Bill Keogh, Anthony FinneganThe aim of this paper is to explore the role of Six Sigma performance measurement at both strategic and operational levels within call centres where the definition of Six Sigma is…
Continuous improvement: role of organisational learning mechanisms
Judy OliverThe purpose of this study is to explore the use of the performance measurement system as an organizational learning mechanism to support continuous improvement.
The effect of gauge measurement capability on MCp and its statistical properties
Davood Shishebori, Ali Zeinal HamadaniThe aim of this paper is to consider the effect of gauge measurement capability on the multivariate process capability index (MCp).
Multi‐response robust screening in quality construction blue‐printing
George J. BesserisThe aim of this paper is to circumvent the multi‐distribution effects and small sample constraints that may arise in unreplicated‐saturated fractional factorial designs during…
Effect of individual components on system's reliability: A case of web‐based US Federal Highway Administration project recommendation and approval software
Mark R. Chandler, M. Affan BadarThe purpose of this study is to examine the effect of individual components' reliability on a system's reliability. The system refers to the Financial Management Information…
Applying DEA to enhance assessment capability of FMEA
Dong‐Shang Chang, Kuo‐Lung Paul SunThe purpose of this study is to propose a state‐of‐the‐art new approach to enhance FMEA assessment capabilities.

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International Journal of Quality ScienceEditor:
- Professor Jiju Antony