International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 23 Issue 1
Table of contents - Special Issue: Innovative Quality Management Cases
Guest Editors: Ton van der Wiele, Jos van Iwaarden
From TQM to learning organisation: Another way for quality management in educational institutions
Victoria Konidari, Yvan AbernotThe purpose of this paper is to present the influence of school management from movements coming from the world of industry and business, and the transition from the TQM movement…
Legitimising quality principles through critical incidents in organisational development
Rodney McAdam, Shirley‐Ann Hazlett, Joan HendersonThe aim of this paper is to analyse how critical incidents or organisational crises can be used to check and legitimise quality management change efforts in relation to the…
Sustained quality management: how to receive the Swedish quality award twice
Klara Palmberg, Rickard GarvareThe purpose of this paper is to describe how Agria Animal Insurance Sweden (Agria) has organised its quality‐related work through a sustained and systematic focus on basic…
A methodology for availability assessment of tunnel designs
Clement L.W. Wong, Albert H.C. Tsang, T.S. ChungThe reliability and maintainability of tunnel infrastructure and systems is an important factor in assuring normal operation of a tunnel. Evaluating availability of a large‐scale…
Using a knowledge management approach to support quality costing
Steve Eldridge, Mohammed Balubaid, Kevin D. BarberThe purpose of this article is to examine the difficulties associated with quality costing and propose a solution based upon the use of knowledge management techniques.
A management control perspective of quality management: An example in the automotive sector
Jos van Iwaarden, Ton van der Wiele, Roger Williams, Barrie DaleIn many industries (e.g. cars and clothing) manufacturing complexity and unpredictability have increased over the last couple of years because of an increasing variety of products…

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International Journal of Quality ScienceEditor:
- Professor Jiju Antony