International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 21 Issue 2
Table of contents
The trajectory of implementing ISO 9000 standards versus total quality management in Western Europe
Hongyi Sun, Sapphire Li, Karis Ho, Frank Gertsen, Poul Hansen, Jan FrickThis paper investigates the pattern or trajectory of implementing ISO 9000 standards versus TQM in Western Europe from a longitudinal perspective, using empirical data. The…
Adaptation of organizational change models to the implementation of quality standard requirements
Dana M. JohnsonCompanies pursuing certification to quality standards must apply change methodologies to institutionalize the requirements into the business. Existing change models, such as…
TQM in small manufacturers: an exploratory study in China
Choong Y. LeeRecently, total quality management (TQM) has attracted increasing interest throughout Chinese manufacturing industries and its programs have been widely implemented. Currently…
A methodological comparison of three strategies for quality improvement
Jeroen de MastQuality improvement is understood by Juran to be the systematic pursuit of improvement opportunities in production processes. Several methodologies are proposed in literature for…
Differences between managers and line employees in a quality management environment
Anthony L. Patti, Lillian Y. Fok, Sandra J. HartmanQuality management (QM) literature has consistently failed to distinguish between managers and line employees when it comes to implementing QM tools and techniques. However…
Combined application of QFD and VA tools in the product design process
Fábio Luís Ramos da Silva, Katia Lucchesi Cavalca, Franco Giuseppe DediniThe aim of both value analysis (VA) and quality function deployment (QFD) is to reduce waste by avoiding redesign and providing optimal location of costs in general. To satisfy…

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International Journal of Quality ScienceEditor:
- Professor Jiju Antony