International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 19 Issue 5

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Table of contents

Quality management over a decade: A longitudinal study

Ton van der Wiele, Alan Brown

Quality management activities in five large Australian organisations have been monitored over a decade and present the basis for an insight into the factors which impact on the…


Quality management initiatives and people management strategies: The need for integration in the new millennium in an Irish context

Graham Dwyer

This paper uses three case studies of prominent Irish organisations, which have attempted to integrate quality management (QM) with people management (PM) as an approach for…


The importance of recruitment and selection process for sustainability of total quality management

Sohel Ahmad, Roger G. Schroeder

Management literature discusses that the behavioral traits of employees can play an important role in the success of total quality management (TQM). However, little empirical…


Critical success factors of TQM implementation in Hong Kong industries

Jiju Antony, Kevin Leung, Graeme Knowles, Sid Gosh

Total quality management (TQM) is an integrative management philosophy aimed at continuously improving the performance of products, processes and services to achieve and exceed…


Sustaining company performance through partnering with suppliers

Alfred Wong

Companies are expected to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction in order to outperform their competitors. Many companies focus on how they themselves can do better to meet…


Sustaining quality in the UK public sector: Quality measurement frameworks

Rodney McAdam, Renee Reid, Robbie Saulters

The principles of TQM are becoming increasingly important in the public sector due to demands for increased levels of stakeholder satisfaction and government cost reduction and…


Sustaining TQM through self‐directed work teams

Zahir Irani, Jyoti Choudrie, Peter E.D. Love, Angappa Gunasekaran

Teamwork is increasingly seen as a prerequisite for many job functions within those organisations seeking to sustain total quality management (TQM). However, the daunting task of…


TQM enablers and business sustainability: An empirical study of the service sector in the North East of England

Andrew Robson, Vas B. Prabhu, Ed Mitchell

The extent to which an organisation is successful can be influenced by a number of its strategies and business initiatives. This success can be measured internally, using…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony