International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 14 Issue 5

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Table of contents

A non‐parametric method for experimental analysis with censored data

Lee‐Ing Tong, Chao‐Ton Su

Considers that, occasionally, only part of an experiment can be completed owing to some uncontrollable causes such as the damage to the instrument, power failure during the…


Some observations on the issues of quality cost in construction

Hamzah Abdul‐Rahman

Looks at how the construction industry’s demand for better management of quality in construction projects is becoming increasingly important for every project participant. Says…


Total quality management in the US Air Force: a study of application and attitudes

Steven B. Moser, Timi L. Bailey

States that the US military has adopted total quality management (TQM) initiatives to help maximize effectiveness during downsizing. Identifies, however, some potential barriers…


Cost benefit analysis of a one server two dissimilar unit system subject to different repair strategies

V. Sridharan, P. Mohanavadivu

Deals with the cost benefit analysis of a one server two dissimilar unit cold standby system in which we consider two different repair policies, namely: (1) policy 1: retain the…


Prediction of time‐varying dynamic processes

M.A. Fkirin, A.F. Al‐Madhari

Proposes an optimal identification algorithm of time‐varying dynamic processes. Says it is based on applying a linear combination of the recursive least‐squares method equations…


Benchmarking field services using a zero defects approach

Ravi S. Behara, Jos G.A.M. Lemmink

Notes that after‐sales field service has become an established competitive differentiator among equipment manufacturers. From the service provider’s perspective, effective field…


TQM in higher education ‐ a review

Mohammad S. Owlia, Elaine M. Aspinwall

Posits that the role that quality plays in the higher education sector is becoming more important as the dominance of market‐orientation leaves no alternative for universities and…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony