International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 12 Issue 6

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Table of contents

Quality function deployment: a main pillar for successful total quality management and product development

Mohamed Zairi, Mohamed A. Youssef

Quick response to customer needs is an important dimension on whicha company may compete. However, quick response in and by itself does notachieve much of a competitive advantage…


Application of QFD to the software development process

William D. Barnett, M.K. Raja

Explores the issue of software development process improvement.Total quality management (TQM) tools have been studied as possible meansto improve the quality of the software that…


Reinforcing QFD with group support systems: computer‐supported collaboration for quality in design

Pierre A. Balthazar, Vidyaranya B. Gargeya

Over the last decade quality function deployment or QFD, thanks tothe efforts of Akao and others, has gained widespread popularity in itsapplicability to business and industry…


QFD application in an educational setting: a pilot field study

Glenn Pitman, Jaideep Motwani, Ashok Kumar, Chun‐Hung Cheng

Illustrates how quality function deployment (QFD) can be used tomeasure customer satisfaction in educational institutions. Specifically,utilizes QFD in evaluating the MBA…


Quality function deployment: total quality management for new product design

Archie Lockamy, Anil Khurana

For firms to compete successfully on quality, the total qualitymanagement (TQM) philosophy must be integrated into all aspects of theorganization. Quality function deployment…


Strategic marketing planning: a quality function deployment approach

Min Hua Lu, Chu‐Hua Kuei

Explores the application of quality function deployment (QFD)concept in strategic marketing planning. First discusses the literatureof quality control concepts and marketing…


The intermediate structure of designs for quality

Nicholas C. Georgantzas, Marek P. Hessel

Changes in world markets have brought renewed interest in qualitymanagement, and a proliferation of quality‐assurance methods. The newmethods focus on design rather than…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony