International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 11 Issue 5
Table of contents
Total Quality Management Defined in Terms of Reported Practice
C. Carl PegelsTotal quality management (TQM) has taken hold in the Western world.Organizations are either adopting or contemplating adoption of TQMprogrammes before they fully realize what they…
Towards a Quality Culture
John Sinclair, David CollinsTotal quality management is often presented as a new and coherentphilosophy of organization and management which looks holistically atorganizations. Yet there would appear to be…
Quality Assurance and Quality Control for the Planned Konrad Repository
Peter Brennecke, Ingo BeckmerhagenIn Germany radioactive waste with negligible heat generation, i.e. LLWand ILW, is planned to be disposed of in the Konrad repository. Theconstruction and operation of this…
Cumulative Score Quality Control Procedures for Process Variability
Matoteng M. NcubeCombined Shewhart‐cumulative score (cuscore) quality control schemes areavailable for controlling the mean of a continuous production process.In many industrial applications, it…
Policy Formulation by Use of QFD Techniques: A Case Study
M. Philips, P. Sander, C. GoversThe quality function deployment (QFD) theory focuses on customer needsand expectations and methodically deploys them through product design,parts selection, process planning and…
Measuring the Intensity Level of Just‐in‐Time Activities and Its Impact on Quality
Mohamed A. YoussefExamines the impact of the intensity level of Just‐in‐time (JIT) onquality. The intensity level of JIT is operationalized as a function offour variables: the existence of JIT as a…

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International Journal of Quality ScienceEditor:
- Professor Jiju Antony