International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 11 Issue 4
Table of contents
Total Quality Management in Services: Part 3: Distinguishing Perceptions of Service Quality
John A. Dotchin, John S. OaklandDescribes an investigation, in different types of services, ofrelationships between customers’ perception of service quality, and theimportance which customers attach to elements…
An Evaluation of the Effects of Quality Improvement Activities on Business Performance
Robin Mann, Dennis KehoeResearch was undertaken on the effects of quality improvement activitieson business performance. The investigation began by developing aclassification system to ensure all…
Quality Improvement through Team Goal Setting, Feedback, and Problem Solving: A Field Experiment
Clinton O. Longenecker, Joseph A. Scazzero, Timothy T. StansfieldDescribes a field experiment conducted in a US automotive partsmanufacturing plant to explore the impact of team goal setting, feedbackand problem‐solving activities on product…
Towards a Better Understanding of Quality
Neil Hardie, Paul WalshSeveral different operational definitions of quality are commonly usedin industry. The existence of these different definitions can causeconfusion unless their relationships to…
The Application of Group Technology Concept for Implementing SPC in Small Batch Manufacture
Mamoun Al‐Salti, Anthony StathamThe use of Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques for monitoringmanufacturing processes in mass production is relatively easy. Insmall‐batch manufacture, however, such…

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International Journal of Quality ScienceEditor:
- Professor Jiju Antony