International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 11 Issue 2
Table of contents
A Performance Assessment of the US Baldrige Quality Award Winners
Joel D. Wisner, Stan G. EakinsSince 1987, 17 businesses have won the US Baldrige Quality Award,established to promote awareness of quality management among USbusinesses. Assesses the financial and competitive…
Process Goal Charts for Quality Improvement Programmes
Edna M. White, Mehdi Kaighobadi, T.J. WhartonTotal quality management programmes emphasizing continuous improvementhave become increasingly popular as companies perceive the importance ofquality in maintaining or enhancing…
Modelling, Control and Monitoring of Circulatory Systems with an Artificial Heart
X. Ding, P.M. FrankStudies problems related to modelling, control and monitoring ofcirculatory systems with an artificial heart. First, presents apulsatile model of cardiovascular systems. This…
Process Capability Assessment with Tool Wear: An Investigative Study
R. Jagadeesh, A. Subash BabuManufacturing systems are gearing up to meet the challenges ofquality‐based competition. Process capability study and analysis havebecome critical issues in process control and a…
A Quality Improvement Study at an Aerospace Company
T.C.E. ChengReports on a quality improvement project undertaken by an aerospacecompany in an attempt to apply statistical process control techniques toits heat treatment process in hopes of…

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International Journal of Quality ScienceEditor:
- Professor Jiju Antony