International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 29 Issue 5

Table of contents

The effects of increasing product variety and shortening product life cycles on the use of quality management systems

Jos van Iwaarden, Ton van der Wiele

The purpose of this paper is to explore how in many industries manufacturing complexity and unpredictability have increased in recent years because of increasing product variety…


Extreme value charts and analysis of means based on half logistic distribution

Srinivasa Rao Boyapati, R.R.L. Kantam

The purpose of this paper is to examine extreme value charts and analyse means based on half logistic distribution.


How organizational citizenship behavior mediates between internal marketing and service quality: The case of Iranian GAS company

SeyedReza SeyedJavadin, Hamzeh Rayej, Hamidreza Yazdani, Mehrdad Estiri, Seyed Ali Aghamiri

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of internal marketing on service quality and the mediating role of OCB in their relationship.


The moderating influence of product orientation on coordination mechanisms in total quality management

Jayanth Jayaram, Sanjay Ahire, Mariana Nicolae, Cigdem Ataseven

The purpose of this paper is to verify whether product orientation (make‐to‐order versus make‐to‐stock) affects how coordination mechanisms combine to influence quality…


Maintenance and recurrent event analysis of circuit breaker data

Daniel Bumblauskas, William Meeker, Douglas Gemmill

The purpose of this paper is to review cotemporary maintenance programs and analyze factory production data for an SF6 gas filled circuit breaker population. Various maintenance…


Improving the house of quality with maximum difference scaling

Michael S. Garver

The purpose of this paper is to put forth maximum difference scaling to more accurately identify importance scores for customer requirements, which will also allow need‐based…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony