International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management: Volume 12 Issue 2

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Table of contents

Process adjustment when using EWMA charts

Stig Johan Wiklund

Following an alarm signal from a control chart it may be necessaryto conduct an adjustment to bring the process mean towards a targetvalue. Addresses the problem of how such an…


Availability and maintenance cost optimization of a production plant

A.S.R. Murty, V.N.A. Naikan

Discusses the relationship between plant availability andmaintenance expenditure and their limiting features. Achieving higherplant availability always necessitates a higher…


A study of measuring the critical factors of quality management

Masood A. Badri, Donald Davis, Donna Davis

Saraph et al. systematically attempted to organize andsynthesize the various perceptions offered by other authors on thecritical factors of quality management. The authors…


A multivariate analysis of airline flight delays

Vasanthakumar N. Bhat

Customer service is of significant concern to an airline passenger.The on‐time performance of an airline is one of the important indicatorsof customer service. Analyses whether…


Detecting process drift with combinations of trend and zonal supplementary runs rules

James J. Divoky, Richard W. Taylor

Examines trend rules in conjunction with other well‐knownsupplementary runs rules to assess their impact when used in controlcharting. Focuses on a set of 613 trend rules deemed…


Ensuring the quality, reliability and precision of measurement processes through traceability

Sunil Babbar

Inadequate measurement capability can place a heavy burden ofimplicit costs on manufacturers – even drive them out of business.It can have serious consequences for stakeholders in…


The development of measures of the cost of quality for an engineering unit

Mark A. Johnson

This COQ project was originated with the objective of investigatingmeasures of the cost of quality in engineering departments. The goal wasto identify existing measures of the…

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  • Professor Jiju Antony