International Marketing Review: Volume 7 Issue 5


Table of contents

Determinants of National Innovativeness and International Market Segmentation

Chol Lee

Prior findings on consumer and organisational innovativeness areextended to the international setting to identify determinants ofnational innovativeness. The stepwise regression…

Participation in the International Marketplace by US Manufacturing Firms

Cynthia Fraser, Robert E. Hite

The international marketing practices and foreign sales of USmanufacturing firms are examined in order to identify those marketingvariables which are most closely tied to…

Aggressive and Passive Exporters: A Study in the Brazilian Furniture Industry

Angela da Rocha, Carl H. Christensen, Carlos Eduardo da Cunha

The firm and chief executive officer correlates of aggressiveexport behaviour were examined in a random sample of 45 Brazilianwood‐furniture manufacturers. Because of the…

Determinants of Export Channel Structure: The Effects of Experience and Psychic Distance Reconsidered

Saul Klein, Victor J. Roth

The effects of two commonly cited determinants of export channelstructure are examined in a transaction cost framework. Psychic distanceand experience have traditionally been…


Entry Mode Choice in Service Industries

M. Krishna Erramilli

The article presents empirical evidence which indicates the immensediversity in entry mode choice patterns among various serviceindustries. It attempts to explain this variation…


On the Internal Correlates of Export Stage Development: An Empirical Investigation in the Korean Electronics Industry

Junyean Moon, Haksik Lee

Numerous researchers have addressed the issue of the internaldynamics of export stage development. Many, if not all, have tried torelate the univariate effect of each variable to…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor John Cadogan