Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 40 Issue 1


Table of contents

Resource sharing in a cloud computing age

Matt Goldner, Katie Birch

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the historical development of interlibrary loan, identify key milestones such as the codification of ILL practices and…


RapidILL: an enhanced, low cost and low impact solution to interlending

Thomas G. Delaney, Micheal Richins

The paper aims to provide an overview of the RapidILL requesting system and describes its operation and the benefits derived by its users, including significant cost savings…


Light at the end of the tunnel: transitioning from one interlending system to another

Cathie Jilovsky, Sharon Howells

This paper aims to outline the transition of two libraries from one automated interlending system (OCLC VDX) to another (Relais ILL).


Add to cart? E‐commerce, self‐service and the growth of interlibrary loan

Collette Mak

This paper seeks to examine the application of e‐commerce practices in libraries and the effect of those practices on interlibrary loan traffic among research libraries in the USA.


Streamlining interlibrary loan and document delivery workflows: tools, techniques, and outcomes

Margarita Moreno

This paper aims to describe a review of interlending and document delivery work processes at the National Library of Australia, the purpose of which was to develop a new…


Going global: an international survey of lending and borrowing across borders

Tina Baich, Heather Weltin

The purpose of this paper is to provide preliminary results of the 2011 survey on international interlending conducted by the ALA RUSA STARS International Interlibrary Loan…


Global resource sharing from a Pacific Northwest perspective

Margaret Bean, Heidi Nance, Linda Frederiksen

This paper aims to describe the international interlibrary loan (ILL) experience of three academic libraries in the Pacific Northwest and analyze factors impacting the success of…


How copyright affects interlibrary loan and electronic resources in Canada

Robert Tiessen

The purpose of this paper is to discuss how interlibrary loan practice and access to electronic resources in Canada are affected by copyright law, copyright collectives, and…


Opening interlibrary loan to open access

Tina Baich

The purpose of this paper is to examine interlibrary loan requests for open access materials submitted during fiscal years 2010 and 2011 and to determine the impact of open access…


Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature: 77

Mike McGrath

The purpose of this paper is to review the current LIS literature for document supply and related topics.








Renamed from:

Interlending Review

Online date, start – end:

1983 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited