Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 35 Issue 1


Table of contents

Google Scholar – friend or foe?

Stephanie Taylor

The purpose of this article is to review and summarise the service offered by Google Scholar (GS).


Electronic signatures for copyright in the UK: a solution to the “holy grail” of document delivery

Graham Titley

The aim of this paper is to show that an electronic signature for copyright can be achieved in the UK.


Australian resource sharing: did ILL benchmarking make a difference?

Roxanne Missingham, Margarita Moreno

This paper aims to describe the national interlibrary loan and document delivery (ILL/DD) benchmarking study undertaken by Australian libraries in 2001 and evaluates its impact…

Broadening participation – the future of resource discovery

Grant White

This article seeks to describe the new service offered by Talis.


OhioLINK: a US resource sharing facility – issues and developments

Tom Sanville

The aim of the paper is to describe the development of OhioLINK – a world famous US consortium – and the issues that it currently faces as well as its responses.

Taming the Tasman: international interlending under the Southern Cross

David Ong, David Reid, Natasha Simons

This article seeks to provide an update of two papers presented to the VDX Users Group of Australia and New Zealand during 2006. It aims to explore the issues associated with the…

Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature: 58

Mike McGrath

The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the most recent literature concerning document supply and related matters.








Renamed from:

Interlending Review

Online date, start – end:

1983 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited