Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 34 Issue 3
Table of contents
Document supply and open access: an international survey on grey literature
Chérifa Boukacem‐Zeghmouri, Joachim SchöpfelThis article seeks to investigate the impact of the open archive initiative on the document supply of grey literature.
The impact of e‐resources on document supply in a corporate pharmaceutical library: the experience of Novo Nordisk
Helle Vibeke KasarabThe paper seeks to describe the information provision issues facing an international pharmaceutical company, in particular in relation to document supply.
Assessing the impact of the BLDSC price increases: the experience of CHILL, a consortium of London health libraries
Douglas KnockThe article aims to present the findings of research relating to the document supply practices of member libraries of the Consortium of Independent Health Information Libraries in…
Analysis of Interlibrary Loan at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Library: lessons learned
Rosa Liu, Briget WynneThe paper seeks to study whether process and cost‐effective improvements could be made to the Interlibrary Loan and Internal Document Request services at NIST.
The Danish Union Catalogue DanBib and “physical” and “virtual” union catalogues
Anders‐Henrik Petersen, Rikke LoseThe paper seeks to provide an overview of the approach taken by the Danish library community towards the automation of ILL and end‐user loan requests.
Recent developments in remote document supply (RDS) in the UK – 2
Stephen ProwseThe paper seeks to provide a review of recent developments in remote document supply and related matters in the UK.
ISO and I reap: lessons learned from Antipodean implementations of the ISO‐ILL protocol
Jillian Irwin, David ReidThis paper, an update of that presented at the 9th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply Conference, describes the implementation of the ISO‐ILL protocol between the University of…
Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature – 56
Mike McGrathThe purpose of this article is to provide a review of the most recent literature concerning document supply and related matters.