Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 34 Issue 2


Table of contents

Sharing resources in Finnish university libraries: reorganising the national document supply system

Ari Muhonen, Annu Jauhiainen, Pentti Vattulainen

To describe the development of interlending and document supply (ILDS) in Finland and the recent initiative to move to patron initiated ILDS.

The Norwegian ”Bibliotek” database in a Nordic ILDS perspective

Arne Gauslå

To describe the development and versatility of “Bibliotek”, the Norwegian database for national ILDS management.


User‐initiated resource sharing in Hong Kong universities: planning to reality with HKALL

Peter Sidorko, Ruth Wong, Alice Tai, Eva Wong

To describe the introduction of a collaborative, user‐initiated, unmediated, interlibrary loan service for returnables between initially three and then all eight universities in…

Grey literature at The British Library: revealing a hidden resource

Samantha Tillett, Elizabeth Newbold

To explore the changing nature of grey literature, the British Library collections of grey literature and the future challenges of collecting and supplying this type of material.


Electronic journals: are they really used?

David Nicholas, Paul Huntington

To quantify the usage of electronic journals as an aid to making judgements on the use of document supply.


Developments in South African document supply: the experience of the University of the Witwatersrand

Janet Teresa Zambri

To examine and report on the challenges and trials of document supply at the University of the Witwatersrand during the recent past.

Informing interlibrary networking and document supply in the English National Health Service: a comparison of models from five countries and a Caribbean network

Pam White, Cheryl Twomey

To identify the issues associated with the introduction of desk top document supply to workers in the UK National Health Service (NHS).


Interlending and document supply:a review of the recent literature – 55

Mike McGrath

The purpose of this article is to provide a review of the most recent literature concerning document supply and related matters.








Renamed from:

Interlending Review

Online date, start – end:

1983 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited