Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 27 Issue 1
Table of contents
Document delivery services in China’s agricultural sector: a survey
Qiaoqiao ZhangIt is believed that provision of document delivery services should be an integral part of the supply of bibliographic databases. After the implementation of a national…
The digital object identifier system: digital technology meets content management
Norman PaskinThe management of intellectual content in a digital environment (Internet) requires the existence of persistent, reliable unique identifiers for each distinguishable piece of…
Charging users for interlibrary loans in UK university libraries ‐ a new survey
Pat ClintonThis survey is a follow‐up to one undertaken in 1994. The aim was to discover latest library practice regarding charging and other related issues for interlibrary loans in UK…
Opinion paper: from interlending and document delivery to co‐operative collections and document access
Lars BjørnshaugeBy providing users with electronic fee‐paid access to co‐operatively‐developed digital collections, librarians can overcome some of their budgetary problems and can continue to…
Interlending and document supply: a review of recent literature ‐ XXXV
Pauline ConnollyReviews literature related to several aspects of interlibrary loan and document supply. Discusses the impact of electronic technology on traditional interlibrary services…