Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 26 Issue 1
Table of contents
Document delivery to developing countries
Cynthia Dobson, Wayne A. PedersenThis paper presents the findings of a study of fill rate, time, and delivery costs for international document delivery from the Iowa State University Library to libraries and…
An integrated Web‐based ILL system for Singapore libraries
Schubert Foo, Ee‐Peng LimThe paper proposes an integrated Web‐based inter‐library loan (ILL) system to replace and enhance the existing manual‐based ILL system used by Singapore libraries. It describes…
“Apologies for cross‐posting”: a brief look at Internet discussion lists in interlibrary loan and document delivery
Sara GouldE‐mail discussion lists have become an enormously successful forum for discussion among groups of like‐minded people, and a fair number exist in the field of interlending and…
The renaissance of the interlibrary loan protocol: developments in open systems for interlibrary loan message management
Barbara ShuhThe article traces the history of the ISO Interlibrary Loan Protocol, starting with the early implementation work in Canada and Europe to its current renaissance, driven by the…
Blaise‐Web goes to school: a study of a secondary school’s use of Blaise‐Web
Anne‐Marie TarterReports the results of a trial study of one secondary school’s use of Blaise‐Web as a method of obtaining resources for staff and senior students aged 16‐18. During the six month…
Interlending and document supply: a review of recent literature ‐ XXXIII
Sara GouldReviews the literature related to electronic document delivery. Discusses the general trends, ILL management systems, CD‐ROM, electronic journals and end‐user access.