Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 23 Issue 3
Table of contents
Interlibrary lending statistics
Roy Huse, John SumsionIn February 1994, the Library and Information Co‐operation Councilrecommended a review of co‐operation among library and informationservices and asked the Library and Information…
Interlibrary loan in Latin America: policies and practices
Elda‐Monica GuerreroReports on a study sponsored by the Robert Vosper IFLA FellowsProgramme concerning interlibrary loan policies and the restrictions onthe availability of publications in selected…
Optimizing the size of journal collections in libraries
R.H.A. WesselsLibraries are increasingly dependent on remote document supply tofill gaps in their own collections. Budget restrictions sometimes leadto a situation in which the local collection…
ADONIS gathers momentum and faces some new problems
Henk Compier, Robert CampbellDescribes the change in the perception of the ADONIS project 14years after its introduction. Outlines the original mission – touse new technology to provide copies of copyright…
Interlending and document supply: a review of recent literature – XXVIII
Sara GouldReviews the recent literature in electronic document delivery and“the electronic library”. Describes current trials ofvarious retrieval systems of electronic journal and textbook…