Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 23 Issue 2

Table of contents

Interlibrary lending and document delivery in the Caribbean: the perplexing reality

Stephney Ferguson

Interlending and document delivery in the English‐speakingCaribbean is described as presenting a perplexing picture. In the faceof scarce resources where one would expect…


Collecting, publicizing and providing access to socio‐economic grey literature in Southern Africa with particular reference to Botswana

Kate Kwafo‐Akoto

In Africa generally, collecting and disseminating socio‐economicgrey literature can be difficult because of the existing unsatisfactorybibliographic control situation and the poor…


The EXLIB Project: expansion of European library systems for the visually disadvantaged

F.J. Martinez Calvo

Analyses the major objective of the EXLIB Project, which focuses onthe building of a library system, within the framework of the EuropeanUnion, that would guarantee the visually…


The interlibrary loan project at the Constance University Library

Marlene Nagelsmeier‐Linke

The Library of the University of Constance is working on a projectsponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft which aims to automateinterlending between the libraries of the…


Opinion paper: access as a substitute for holdings: false ideal or costly reality

Maurice B. Line

Argues that the much‐advocated switch from holdings to access hasserious snags where current material is concerned. Libraries shoulddiscard most of their stock of older material…








Renamed from:

Interlending Review

Online date, start – end:

1983 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited