Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 19 Issue 3
Table of contents
Interlending in Ireland
Annette KellyDescribes the Irish interlending system and the functions of the(Irish) Library Council. Looks at the future of interlending and thefindings of the Working Group of the Committee…
The development of interlending in the USSR
SN ProsekovaDescribes the development of interlending in the former SovietUnion. Notes that the system faces problems caused by the absence of anoverall framework of co‐operation within the…
Interlibrary lending in Yugoslavia: with special reference to the Central Medical Library in Ljubljana
Primoz JuznicDescribes the use made of the interlending services in a country“with a high level of political conflict and nationaldiversity”. Examines areas of science and politics in the…
The role of the LINC in the automation of interlibrary loan and document supply in the United Kingdom
Andrew BraidDiscusses why interlibrary loan (ILL) has not been the subject ofsubstantial automation and briefly discusses the current state of ILLautomation in the UK. Suggests that the…
Interlending and document supply: A review of recent literature: XX
Margaret M BarwickSurveys efforts towards co‐operation in interlending withincountries including Hungary, Italy, Nigeria, Ghana, Germany and Latvia.Discusses barriers to European interlending and a…