Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 18 Issue 3

Table of contents

ADONIS – document delivery in the CD‐ROM age

Barrie T Stern, Henk CJ Compier

Presents results of a two‐year trial, undertaken by the ADONISConsortium, in which CD‐ROM containing facsimile images of pages ofarticles, abstracts, editorials, letters and other…


ADONIS – the British Library experience

Phil Barden

Examines the way in which the ADONIS automated document deliverysystem was implemented at the British Library Supply Centre (BLDSC).Looks at the problems incurred during…


DOCMATCH: automated input to ADONIS

FH Ayres, JAW Huggill, MJ Ridley, EJ Yannakoudakis

Discusses DOCMATCH, the project designed to test the feasibility ofautomatically matching document requests derived from database hostswith articles on the ADONIS workstation…


A National Repository Library: the Finnish solution

Annu Jylhä‐Pyykönen

Explains the background to the setting up of the NationalRepository Library in Kuopio, Finland, which arose from the urgent needfor more storage space. Gives details of the…


Moving the library: the INIST experience

Caroline Wiegandt‐Sakoun, Catherine Gunet

Describes how in 1989 the Institut de l′Information Scientifique etTechnique of the French Centre Nationale de Recherche moved itsscientific and technical activities from Paris to…


A review of recent literature: XVIII

Margaret Barwick, Graham P. Cornish

Overviews recent statistical analyses in the field of interlendingand document supply. Examines statistics from studies performed inSpain, South Africa, the Middle East, and the…








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Interlending Review

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1983 – 2016

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Emerald Publishing Limited