Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 17 Issue 4
Table of contents
Copyright law and document supply: a world‐wide review of development 1986‐89
Graham P CornishLooks at recent revisions of copyright in countries around theworld. Discusses proposals in the European communities for harmonizationof copyright law; member countries have…
Where there is an ILL there’s a way: Australia after SAIL
GG AllenDescribes the complicated current scene of Australian interlibrarylending. Discusses a report that was published in the wake of the 1987Survey of Australia Inter‐Library Lending…
Cost concepts and interlending
Khoo Siew MunConsiders some of the different perspectives to interlending andlibrary practices. Attempts to clarify the nature of some of the costsassociated with interlibrary lending (ILL)…