Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 17 Issue 2
Table of contents
Interlending in the Caribbean: questions, problems and possible solutions
Graham P. CornishExamines some of the special problems raised by the Caribbean′scultural diversity when it comes to considering a regional interlibraryloan and document supply system. Considers…
Interlibrary loan traffic in the South West Pacific and South East Asia
Beth StoneReports on a questionnaire, distributed in early 1988 to 200libraries in the South West Pacific and South East Asia, that aimed togather data about interlibrary loan traffic in…
Networking and interlending in the United Kingdom
Henry HeaneyDescribes the development of the Consortium of University ResearchLibraries (CURL) and the initiatives which it, together with theScottish Academic Libraries Bibliographic…
The document supply service of INSDOC: an overview
Aruna Karanjai, Usha Mujoo‐MunshiReports on the Indian Scientific Documentation Centre (INSDOC),which has offered a document supply service to the scientific communityin India since 1952. Reviews this service…