Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 17 Issue 1
Table of contents
The impact of new technology on document availability and access
Marie‐France PlassardReports on new technological developments in the informationtransfer chain and evaluates their likely impact on availability of andaccess to documents. Demonstrates that new…
The interlibrary loan librarian
Virginia BoucherAdvances the idea that interlibrary lending is the Cinderella ofthe library service. Shows that it is support staff that frequentlyperform the tasks associated with interlibrary…
Small circulation (“grey′” literature in the Institutes of Information in Social Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences
M.S. PalnikovDiscusses “grey literature”, in other words literatureof small circulation. Shows that there is a lack of appropriatestatistical and other data on either the acquisition or…
INFONET in the Eastern Caribbean
Sandra JohnReports on the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)Information Network (INFONET), originally developed to cover theinformation requirements of the public sector…
A review of recent literature: XV
Graham P CornishReports on the new union catalogue in Hong Kong, expected to makesavings in international interlending traffic. Argues that internationalinterlending is an expensive business, and…