The Electronic Library: Volume 21 Issue 3

Digital information organization and use


Table of contents

One big picture – 12,000 little pictures: the Auckland Art Gallery collection management and access programme

David Reeves

Using the resources available through the Auckland City Council, the Auckland Art Gallery has managed to turn a simple database upgrade into a programme of work with much greater…


Metadata mayhem: cataloguing electronic resources in the National Library of New Zealand

Chris Todd

This paper takes a chronological approach to the cataloguing of electronic resources within the National Library of New Zealand. It briefly outlines the early work in this area…


Electronic access to and the preservation of heritage materials

Theresa Graham

This paper gives a brief introduction to the Heritage Collection at Auckland City Libraries in New Zealand and notes the significant public support and commitment given to the…


Linking people and information: Web site access to National Library of New Zealand information and services

Keitha Booth, Julia Napier

Providing a Web site that satisfies the expectations of the National Library’s New Zealand and international users required a re‐evaluation in 2002 of the library’s Web site…


A word in your ear: library services for print disabled readers in the digital age

Greg Morgan

The Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind (RNZFB) currently lends talking books on audio cassette to blind and vision impaired New Zealanders. RNZFB belongs to the…


Online in real‐time? Deciding whether to offer a real‐time virtual reference service

Catherine Jane, Dawn McMillan

There has been a great deal of interest recently, notably in the USA, in the concept of virtual reference services. Of particular interest is the use of software that allows a…


The digital divide: a global and national call to action

Rowena Cullen

The phrase “digital divide” has been applied to the gap that exists in most countries between those with ready access to the tools of information and communication technologies…


Developing digital libraries

Howard Falk

Looks as the long‐term implications of library digitization and suggests that the changes thus far may be merely an introduction to a much greater transition that lies ahead…


Today’s computer industry: facing major challenges

Nancy K. Herther

The past five years have seen irreversible changes in the computer and information industries. The last COMDEX trade show (Fall, 2002) reflects the emphasis on next‐generation…

Cover of The Electronic Library







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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Jeonghyun Kim
  • Assistant Prof Haihua Chen
  • Ms Marie Bloechle