The Electronic Library: Volume 13 Issue 1

Digital information organization and use


Table of contents

The International Online Information Meeting, December 1994

David Raitt

Besides being the Editor of The Electronic Library, I am also the Chairman of the International Online Information Meetings held in London each December. I thought it might be…


Let us start the year with some figures which clarify how ‘electronic’ the scene has become in three different respects.

(Semi) automatic capturing of bibliographic information from journal contents pages for inclusion in online library catalogues: the RIDDLE Project

A.D. Harrison, F.A. Roos, R.E. Thomas

This article describes the aims and background of the RIDDLE project, which was funded by the Libraries Programme of the Commission of the European Communities' (CEC's) Telematics…

The frozen library: a model for twenty‐first century libraries

T.D. Webb

Far from being ‘paperless’, libraries of the 21st century will not wholly convert from print to electronic formats, as many have predicted. Instead, libraries of the future will…

Online image databases: usability and performance

Stuart McLean, Michael B. Spring, Edie Rasmussen, James G. Williams

The Promenade image retrieval system is described in terms of its design, development and architecture. Design, development and implementation issues are discussed in terms of…

The information seeking attitudes of non‐metropolitan journalists — a qualitative study of two communities and their primary and secondary sources

Henk Vreekamp

A review of research on the use of documentary and human resources by journalists is framed in an Anglo‐Saxon professional culture of standardised assignments. The comparative…

SGML in publishing — why use the standard?

Andrew Dorward

As database techniques are becoming more widely used in publishing and as publishers seek to utilise the growing possibilities of multimedia, there is a growing awareness of the…

Information and democracy

Tony Benn

The UKOLUG Annual Lecture at Online Information 94 was given by the Rt. Hon. Tony Benn — former Labour Member of Parliament for Bristol and now for Chesterfield, veteran Labour…

Investing in content: the real estate fiasco of the 90s?

Peter Kruger

In recent months there has been a Succession of deals and investments in the publishing and broadcasting industry. Large amounts of money have changed hands in a dash for content…

Sunshine and fog on the information superhighway

A.E. Cawkell

The conference ‘The Digital Information Revolution’ was held in Westmister, London on 16–17 November 1994. It was arranged by FEI (Federation of the Electronics Industry); EURIM…

Choosing the best backup method

Howard Falk

One of the most horrifying computer experiences a user can encounter is the destruction of files due to system malfunction or operator error. Even a relatively small computer…

Cover of The Electronic Library







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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof. Jeonghyun Kim
  • Assistant Prof Haihua Chen
  • Ms Marie Bloechle