Property Management: Volume 9 Issue 4


Table of contents

Legal ramifications of sick building syndrome

Mark Tyler

Considers some of the existing legal principles which might beapplied to Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) cases in the absence of specificSBS rules. Defines SBS. Lays down the…

Sheffield City Polytechnic in the 21st century Accommodation strategy: A case study

Ian Caldwell

Cites the case of Sheffield City Polytechnic′s building anddevelopment partnership as a successful outcome of following theguideline set down by the Polytechnics and College…

Auditing service charge accounts for residential properties

Charles Niren

Reviews the implications of the Landlords and Tenants Acts of 1985and 1987. Argues that it is the onus of managing agents of residentialproperties to ensure that they, their…

Management of lift maintenance and user requirements

Simon Gray

Offers guidance on how to achieve proper maintenance of buildinglifts. Details equipment audit and the maintenance contract. Discusseslift operations, performance measurement…

Open protocols – the Holy Grail or the Tower of Babel

Paull Robathan

Presents the background to open protocols, which the IT industrysees as the solution to integrating the different control systems inbuildings or campuses. Discusses various…

Occupier satisfaction with rented industrial property

John Henneberry

Reports on a study examining the interrelationships betweenmanufacturing firms and their accommodation in the rented sector of theindustrial property market and conducted among…

Undergraduate surveying education: A place for practical knowledge?

Paul Gallimore

Reviews some ideas pertinent to the current debate about the aimsof professional education, and focuses on some of the problems attachedto attempts to incorporate the development…

Proactive premises management – the premises audit

Barry J. Varcoe

Asks how occupiers can determine whether or not they are receivingvalue for money from their buildings. Encourages the premises audit as ameans of assessing how efficient the…

Proactive property management

Victoria Edwards, Bill Seabrooke

Provides a critique of the conventional approach to propertymanagement, highlighting the inadequacies of this approach inaccommodating the needs of modern property owners and…

Cover of Property Management







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  • Professor Graham Squires