Industrial Management & Data Systems: Volume 85 Issue 3/4


Table of contents

Unforeseen Losses—Inspection for Safety

Varley Jackson

The necessity of engineering plant inspection by experienced independent engineers is vital if costly and dangerous accidents are to be avoided; management deferring action, and…

The Process of Motivation

L.J. Mullins

Individuals have a variety of changing, often conflicting, needs and expectations which they need to satisfy in a number of different ways, and individuals' particular situations…


Credit Control — A Survey

Christopher J. Cowton, Peter C. Ho

The success of a credit system, in terms of both effectiveness and cost, is largely determined by policy established within the company. Too conservative a policy will entail high…

IMCB—An International Forum for Management Development

John Peters

The International Management Centre from Buckingham has achieved its radical aim, to work with managers at or near their own workplace and to expand the limitations of the…

Word Processors—Looking Outside

David Brophy

It is easy to under‐rate the potential of a word processing system and the role it can play both in local and remote communications. Two or more word processors linked to the same…

Managing Robots Strategically

F.D. Barrett

Adapting to the age of the robot will be one of the biggest challenges that managers and workers will have to face. A company that understands survival and success will need to…

Computers—Step Carefully through the Minefield:: Part One

William Jacot

In buying computers the businessman should adopt the same hard‐nosed techniques he would apply to any other purchase, not allowing computer mystique or a sense of his own…

Cover of Industrial Management & Data Systems







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Industrial Management

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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Alain Yee Loong Chong
  • Prof Hing Kai Chan