Industrial Management & Data Systems: Volume 83 Issue 7/8


Table of contents

Microcomputers and the Small Business

David Allen‐Rogers, Leslie Chadwick, David Bromley

The mushrooming microcomputer industry is producing a vast array of ever cheaper, more sophisticated offerings. If correctly chosen the micro is an indispensable tool which can…

Selecting and Installing a Cooling Tower

D.J. Stewart

Careful cooling tower selection will guarantee great savings on the annual water bill and ensure that refrigeration and air‐conditioning systems are adequately served.

Women in Management

Bob Crew

In the last decade the number of female managers increased dramatically, yet industry is still dominated by men and women are invariably paid less than their male counterparts.

“Crossroads”: A Solution to Managing Technological Change

Alex Lander

Many companies want to change the direction of their computing, but maintaining the old service, whilst introducing a new system, can be a very delicate operation.

Conference Venues: Past Imperfect, Present Indicative

Alec Snobel

A report on the ancient joys of merrie England seen from the comforts of today, in particular from three hotels in Chester, Cambridge and the Cotswolds.

Strategic Thinking:: The Key to Corporate Survival

Benjamin Tregoe, John Zimmerman

Though long range planning has saturated our corporate environment, it does not guarantee success. Rather, it is to strategic planning that the company must turn if it is to…

Does Your Warehouse Gobble your Manufacturing Profits?

John R. Kelly

Many of the painful economies achieved on the shop floor are thrown away in the warehouse. Significant cost savings can be obtained, however, if more rigorous standards of…

Tomorrow's Chief Executive

John M. Reid

Good chief executives are much in demand and are hard to find. The attributes needed to fulfil such a role can be nurtured, however, Good executives are made, not born.

Cover of Industrial Management & Data Systems







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Industrial Management

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Alain Yee Loong Chong
  • Prof Hing Kai Chan