Industrial Management & Data Systems: Volume 83 Issue 3/4


Table of contents

Ill Health at Work

John Muir

Amidst all the discussion on self certification and statutory sick pay one point should be central — how does the employer deal with ill health at work? Self certification is a…

Project Management Principles Succeed at ICI

Laurence Holt

This study concerns the project management strategy adopted during the successful building of an £85 million Terephthalic acid plant for ICI at Wilton, Cleveland. The client, and…

Towards the Unmanned Factory

Ray Shaw

Ever since the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century, the proportion of the population engaged in argriculture has been steadily falling while the number of industrial…

Industrial Espionage and IFSSEC '83

Publicity about industrial and commercial espionage is rare. Firms affected normally keep very quiet, probably to avoid advertising the fact that they have been guilty of paying…

Sense and Sensibility

As head of the European bureau of Meeting Planners International and marketing director of the European Federation of Conference Towns, Geoffrey Smith has checklists galore for…


Bob Crew

The continuing failure of Britain's education system to turn out the kind of recruits that British industry says it needs but is not getting, is not helped, of course, by…

R & D Recedes in Recession

What has happened to research and development in this recession? With official R & D statistics only available up to 1978, it has been virtually impossible to tell. So the CBI…

Product Quality Assessment by Consumers — the Role of Product Information

J.M.F. Box

Quality is a somewhat diffuse concept. Everybody knows more or less what is meant by it, but a precise definition of quality is more difficult to establish. “Quality” comes from…

Cover of Industrial Management & Data Systems







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Industrial Management

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Alain Yee Loong Chong
  • Prof Hing Kai Chan