Industrial Management & Data Systems: Volume 101 Issue 5


Table of contents

Electronic commerce in Greater China

Charles V. Trappey, Amy J.C. Trappey

The Greater China region (China, Taiwan and Hong Kong) has more than 1.2 billion people, about one fifth of the world’s total population. This incredibly large market continues to…


A survey of innovative technology processes in manufacturing

Alexander Wagner, Douglas Edward Turner, Terry Anthony Byrd

The focus of this investigation is to distinguish the difference between technologies and processes found in manufacturing environments, where the magnitude and order of these…

Languages for electronic business communication: state of the art

Wilhelm Hasselbring, Hans Weigand

Electronic commerce (e‐commerce) is the new buzzword for doing business on the Internet. A main problem for business‐to‐business e‐commerce lies in the need for the information…


Effect of computer self‐efficacy on the use of executive support systems

Shin‐Yuan Hung, Ting‐Peng Liang

Computer self‐efficacy (CSE) is generally considered to have a positive effect on information systems use. Its effect on using executive support systems (ESS), however, has not…


A socio‐technical framework for quality assessment of computer information systems

Shailendra C. Palvia, Ravi S. Sharma, David W. Conrath

The emergence of total quality management and the ISO 9000 suite of standards has allowed a re‐think of how (and why) the post‐implementation evaluation of computer systems is to…


The need for training in telecommunications: a comparison of the marketing managers’ and information systems managers’ viewpoints

Karen Ketler, John R. Willems

Reports the results of a recent study of marketing and information systems (IS) managers about the importance of telecommunications in their positions and the quality of their…

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Industrial Management

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Alain Yee Loong Chong
  • Prof Hing Kai Chan