Marketing Intelligence & Planning: Volume 39 Issue 2


Table of contents

Role of conspicuous value in luxury purchase intention

Sheetal Jain

Generation Y consumers are the key drivers for luxury market growth in the future. Yet, very few studies have been performed to understand Gen Y consumers' luxury consumption…


Multi-stakeholder partnerships: a catalyst to achieve sustainable development goals

Gabriel Eweje, Aymen Sajjad, Shobod Deba Nath, Kazunori Kobayashi

The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the concept of multi-stakeholder partnerships in relation to the United Nations' sustainable development goals and propose a…


Sponsorship in focus: a typology of sponsorship contexts and research agenda

Hsin-Chen Lin, Patrick F. Bruning

Sponsorship has become an important marketing activity. However, research on the topic treats the sponsorship context, characterized according to the type of sponsored property…


Investment obstacles to sustainable development and competitiveness index

Faris Alshubiri

This paper was aimed to develop better knowledge to show how obstacles impact Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in investment business on the global competitiveness index…

UNGC principles and SDGs: perception and business implementation

Marina Mattera, Carmen Alba Ruiz-Morales

The purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of CSR policies and the implementation of UNGC management model in firms operating at a national and an international level…


Mobilising SDG 12: co-creating sustainability through brands

Nitha Palakshappa, Sarah Dodds

This research extends understanding of the role brand co-creation plays in encouraging ethical consumption. The paper addresses sustainable development goal 12 (SDG 12): ensure…


Competitive advantage from marketing the SDGs: a luxury perspective

Judith Hepner, Jean-Louis Chandon, Damyana Bakardzhieva

Shall luxury firms promote their sustainable development goals (SDGs)? What are the risks and the competitive advantages? Some answers from sustainability-oriented luxury buyers…


Gender differences: visual attention and attitude toward advertisements

Juliana Cristina Boscolo, Jorge Henrique Caldeira Oliveira, Vishwas Maheshwari, Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi

This study examines the differences between genders in visual attention and attitudes toward different types of advertisements.


Sport nostalgia builds customer equity and future behavior

Heetae Cho, Weisheng Chiu

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among nostalgia, customer equity and behavioral intentions. Specifically, consumers' intentions of purchase and word of…


Do experience and engagement matter to millennial consumers?

Imran Khan, Mobin Fatma, Vikas Kumar, Sara Amoroso

The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of certain dimensions of brand experience (sensory, behavioural, affective and intellectual) on millennial consumers'…

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  • Dr Babu John-Mariadoss