Structural Survey: Volume 14 Issue 1

Table of contents

Electric and magnetic fields and health

David Jeffers

Examines the effects of electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) on health, in the light of recent arguments which say they are harmful and that surveyors and architects should be…


Minimizing pest risk in dwellings

R.G. Murphy, S. Todd

Explains ways to mitigate the effects of various species of pests in dwellings, dealing with three distinct groups ‐ insects, rodents and birds. There are now many other species…


Historic parish church alterations and the law: has the dust finally settled?

Paul Chynoweth

Examines recent forms of the listed building legislation in the context of alterations to listed parish churches. Identifies the effect of a church listing and notes the origins…


Small urban spaces

Richard Catt

Looks at ways of surveying small urban spaces and deals with how garden and enclosures can be investigated prior to restoration.


The surveying of stone slate roofs in the Yorkshire Dales

Alan Scott

Deals with the surveying of stone slate roofs within the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Initially examines the history of stone slating in the area and then identifies problems…


Are you set in your ways or is there a Sett in the way?

English Nature

Summarizes the main points from Badgers ‐ Guidelines for Developers produced by English Nature. Believes that understanding some facts about badgers can help to identify ways in…








Online date, start – end:

1983 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited