Structural Survey: Volume 12 Issue 2

Table of contents

Rain Penetration Problems Associated with Retro‐fitted Cavity Insulation

Hilary Davies, Graham Wilmshurst

Surveyors, who may be involved in specifying retro‐fitted cavityinsulation, need to know the key factors which influence the potentialrisk of rain penetration. Proposes guidance…


Technical Factors Influencing Decisions to Select Underpinning on Shrinkable Clay

D. Wilkin, R. Baggott

While the tendency for clay to shrink in dry weather and to damagebuildings has been known for more than a century, the post‐war work ofthe Building Research Establishment and…


Lead in Buildings and Surveyors′ Responsibilities

Michael J. Osborn

Draws attention to the poisonous effects of lead and details thelegislation which protects those who work in industries which use leadin their processes and manufactures. Gives…


BSRIA – A Thumbnail Sketch

Andrew Eastwell

Outlines the structure and working arrangements of the Building ServicesResearch and Information Association (BSRIA) and gives examples ofprojects using its £1.2 million research…


Our Architectural Ceramic Heritage

P.G. Swallow

Traces the history of the use of ceramics in the decoration ofbuildings. Provides definitions of the various types of ceramic used inbuildings construction; and their derivation…


Historic Ceilings

Bryan Bowley

Encourages the saving of distressed stucco and fibrous plaster ceilingsof merit and shows that repairs are able to be carried out in nearly allcases by use of traditional…


Fire Safety and Protection in Historic Buildings in England and Ireland – Part I

Rob Pickard

Explains why the safety measures in England and Ireland have beenunsuitable for application to historic buildings and points out that theprotection of property has rarely been…



John Hodgson

Examines the circumstances under which damages may be recovered, thevarious types of damages, and sets out the basis of calculating damages.Concludes with a reference to the case…








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