Structural Survey: Volume 9 Issue 1


Table of contents

Guidelines for residential structural surveys

Ian Gordon, Ian Melville, Anthony L. Poole

Provides a guideline for an ideal residential structural report,from the point of view of members of the Editorial Board of Structural Survey, discussing the definition of the…

Some European systems for regulation and control of private design and construction with particular reference to fire safety

George Atkinson

Discusses the relatively close links between essential requirementsand technical requirements in the Building Regulations of England andWales and several continental European…

Rats in buildings

Peter Barrett, Michael Howard

Offers advice to surveyors and property managers as to how to dealwith an infestation of rats in buildings. Considers the scale of andchanges in the rat population, and discusses…

A survey of site‐mixed mortars in NE England

W.H. Harrison

Outlines a survey of site practice and of mortar compositionsundertaken in the North East of England by the Construction IndustryDivision of the Department of the Environment and…

The demand for higher thermal insulation

Peter S. Hazael

Discusses the demand for higher thermal insulation in the light ofnew ideas about saving energy and government regulations to enforcethese. Outlines the new requirements of the…

Copper tube in modern buildings

A.K. Woollaston

Outlines the history and uses of copper tubing and its position inthe modern building industry. Discusses its various designations andtempers, its strength and ductility…

Dirt in mechanical building services systems

D.R. Russell

Discusses the causes and problems of dirt infiltration intopipework used in mechanical buildings services systems. Describes whatactually constitutes this ′dirt′ and explains how…

The assessment of the reduction in value of a building caused by the discovery of defects or D = P – (c/y)

Malcolm Hollis

Discusses the current policies used in the assessment of thereduction in value of a building by the discovery of defects, usingexamples from court cases. Outlines the problems…







Online date, start – end:

1983 – 2016

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Emerald Publishing Limited