Structural Survey: Volume 21 Issue 2
Table of contents
Surveyor variability – application of social judgement theory
Jim Kempton, Amir Alani, Keith ChapmanSurveyor variability has been previously identified as a barrier to the consistency and usability of house condition survey data. This paper explores the use of social judgement…
An investigation into home owner maintenance awareness, management and skill‐knowledge enhancing attributes
Joseph Kangwa, JFemi OlubodunRecent governments have highlighted the problems of unfitness and why individual homeowners should intervene to deal with the maintenance problems of their own homes. Current…
Issues of site inspections for fire safety ranking of multi‐storey buildings
S.M. Lo, W.Y. ChengRecent fire disasters in Hong Kong and other cities in China show that fire safety should receive more attention. In Hong Kong, a large number of pre‐1980 high‐rise buildings were…
Polypropylene fibres in concrete with regard to durability
Alan RichardsonRecent laboratory research has shown that small additions of monofilament polypropylene fibres in concrete, in diameter range of 22 to 35 micron by 19mm long, reduce the flow of…
Fibre reinforced polymer materials for prestressed concrete structures
H.Y. Leung, R.V. Balendran, T. Maqsood, A. Nadeem, T.M. Rana, W.C. TangFibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials are currently used for concrete structures in areas where corrosion problems are serious. Recent applications of FRP rebars in normal…