Structural Survey: Volume 13 Issue 2
Table of contents
An introduction to lime
Jane SchofieldAdvocates the use of lime in the repair of old buildings ratherthan the hard, but brittle, impervious materials used in cement mixestoday. Points out the advantages of lime in…
How do clients select a surveyor?
Michael HoxleyDiscusses how clients who are requiring a structural survey goabout the task of selecting and appointing the surveyor. Analyses theresults of a questionnaire to identify and…
Inspecting ventilation systems
S. LoydHighlights the need to inspect ventilation systems, which willbecome a legal requirement for all workplaces from 1996. Beneficialreasons are given, including maintaining the…
Estimating the elastic modulus of concrete made with artificially manufactured lightweight aggregates
R.V. BalendranDiscusses the results of a study of the moduli of elasticity ofconcretes made with artificially manufactured lightweight aggregatessubjected to uniaxial compression and uniaxial…
Small urban spaces
Richard CattThe first of a series of articles, outlines how the urban landscapeevolved. Attempts to untangle the welter of legal controls through whichthe smallāscale urban landscape is…
Part L and energy rating applied to UK housing
Stephen ToddExamines the new energy regulation proposals set out in the revisedApproved Document Part L of the 1995 Building Regulations. Assesses theways in which the New Requirement L1…