Structural Survey: Volume 12 Issue 6
Table of contents
The Use of Fluorescent Dyes in Highlighting Some Construction Problems
Barry J. HuntDescribes a number of ways in which fluorescent dyes have been used toinvestigate different construction problems, highlighting in particularthe areas of stone cladding cracking…
Reading between the Lines
Roger CoghillIn the last 100 years mankind has, for the first time in evolution,incorporated artificial electromagnetic fields and radiations into thebuilt environment. Thirty years passed…
Developments in Appraising the Total Performance of Buildings
James DouglasOver the past few years there has been a significant upsurge of interestin building performance and its appraisal. As the expectations andstandards of property users increase…
Calcium Silicate Bricks
Bryan BowleyBriefly reviews the history of the calcium silicate brick and examinesthe manufacturing process involved. Details various qualities of thebricks, including durability, precision…
The Structural Survey Interview: John Earl
John Earl, former head of a section within the GLC Historic Buildings Division, talksabout his long and distinguished career in surveying. He traces hiscareer from its roots at…
Do Women Like Beetles?
Paul MurrellsOne in three claims against surveyors arising out of surveys involvesallegations relating to damp, rot or some other timber defect. There isa tendency for surveyors to be…